Para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de gasolina de $100, escuche KLAX aproximadamente a las 6:55 a. m., 8:12 a. m., 11:55 a. m., 2:25 p. m., 3:55 p. m., 5:55 p. m., 7:55 p. m. y 8:55 p. m. cada día de la semana durante el concurso de el anuncio de la señal para llamar y (si corresponde) el número designado de la persona que llama. El número de llamada correcto recibido en la línea de concurso de la estación al (866) 794-5099, tras la confirmación de elegibilidad, se considerará ganador. Las respuestas de los ganadores pueden grabarse para su uso al aire y en la promoción del concurso en KLAX. En el momento de su llamada, las personas que llamen deberán proporcionar toda la información solicitada, incluido su nombre completo, dirección completa (incluido el código postal), números de teléfono diurnos y vespertinos, fecha de nacimiento y dirección de correo electrónico para poder ser elegibles para ganar. . En caso de que la persona que llama seleccionada se desconecte o se determine que no es elegible, KLAX se reserva el derecho de seleccionar una nueva persona que llama.
To win your $100 gas gift card, listen to KLAX at approximately 6:55am, 8:12am, 11:55am, 2:25pm, 3:55pm, 5:55pm, 7:55pm & 8:55pm each weekday during the contest for the announcement of the cue to call and (if applicable) the designated caller number to be. The correct caller number received to the station contest line at (866) 794-5099, upon confirmation of eligibility, will be deemed the winner. Winner responses may be recorded for use on-air and in promotion of the contest on KLAX. At the time of their call, callers will be required to provide all information requested including their full name, complete address (including zip code), day and evening phone numbers and date of birth and e-mail address in order to be eligible to win. In the event that the selected caller is disconnected or is found to be ineligible, KLAX reserves the right to select a new caller.
Rules and Regulations
Contest Prize:
Winners will receive (1) $100 gas station gift card.
Contest Prize Value:
Contest Start Date :
21 Sep 2023
Contest Start Time:
Contest End Date:
02 Nov 2023
Contest End Time:
Contest Winner Will Be Selected:
8 Daily Winners
if on specific date : None
Stations this contest runs on::
LA – Raza 97.9
Restricted Participants:
– Employees or agents of (i) Sponsor(s), (ii) Co-Sponsor(s), (iii) their respective parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates, (iv) their service agencies or independent contractors, and (v) other stations in the service area are not eligible to participate.
– Persons involved in the development, production, distribution of materials, or the selection of the winner for this Contest are not eligible to participate.
– Persons who are immediate family or who reside in the same house of any person who is in any of the above categories are not eligible to participate.